The main philosophy that we all share, is that we want to experience the claim(s) the exact same way the client does. We will then try to validate your claims through personal experiences as well as with video/audio evidence. During our investigation, we will also search for reasons that can explain your claims that are not related to anything paranormal. Many things can create activity that may seem paranormal, but in some cases, what is occurring may have be something entirely different.
We ensure that we are not invasive or disruptive. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and we use most of the same equipment that is used on all of the current "paranormal tv shows". We do not tape or hang anything.
We listen to all claims as part of the interview process. We then research the location’s history. We are also very flexible when it comes it our investigations, we can accommodate almost any schedule for which the client is available.
At the conclusion of the investigation, we review all of the video/audio evidence. We then share all evidence gathered with the client. PLEASE NOTE: We will only post evidence that is approved by the client. If the client wishes to keep all evidence confidential we will do so as well. If needed, we will then work with you while using every resource that we have available to assist you in dealing with your "paranormal issue". WE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU TO DEAL WITH THIS ON YOUR OWN AFTER WE HAVE INVESTIGATED.
Lastly, we are a close knit group consisting of business professionals. I can not stress enough how respectful we are of the locations we investigate. We take what we do very seriously and we will do everything we can to ensure a positive experience.